Saturday 27 January 1973

Carnival of Monsters

Premise: The TARDIS lands on a cargo ship in 1926 but when a dinosaur appears and the crew and passengers begin repeating their actions, the Doctor realises that not all is as it seems.

Notes: This serial marks the first time since the War Games that the Doctor is able to pilot the TARDIS completely under his own control. This story was originally planned for the previous season and recorded in that production block but then held back to allow Barry Letts to direct it without any difficulties due to his role as producer. The monsters that are displayed in Vorg's miniscope include Drashigs, Ogrons and Cybermen. The latter of which only appeared in one other Thrid Doctor story, The Mind of Evil, which was only a hallucination in that story. 

Verdict: A ridiculous production with silly costumes, awful masks, bad CSO and a very strange plot. However, it is a very fun story to watch 7/10

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