Saturday 30 December 1972

The Three Doctors

Premise: As gel creatures materialise around UNIT HQ and begin a full scale attack, the Doctor realises the situation is beyond even him control and sends out a desperate SOS...

Notes: To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the show, it was decided that the three Doctors would unite for the first time. Originally, they were all supposed to play an equal role in the story but Hartnell's health prevented this so his role was reduced to reading off of cards in a pre-recorded segment. The episode was also originally planned to feature the return of Jamie too but Frazer Hines' was unable to due to other commitments so his role was filled by Sergent Benton instead. This episode also saw the end of the Doctor's exile on Earth as the Time Lords give him his freedom as a reward for helping them vanquish Omega.

Verdict: Not the most amazing Doctor Who story ever told but nevertheless it is very entertaining to see the return of the previous Doctors. Omega is a unique villain who adds a lot to the serial but the best part would have to be the interaction between Troughton and Pertwee 8/10

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