Saturday 1 January 1972

Day of the Daleks

Premise: The world is on the brink of war and Sir Reginald Styles is attempting to negotiate a settlement by arranging a peace conference to be held in his home, Auderly House.

Notes: Gone for five years, the Daleks made a return in this serial and are in colour for the first time. Creator, Terry Nation, had tried to launch the Daleks in their own series in America but with no success. There were only three Daleks made for this episode, one gold and two grey. Their rather odd voices were provided by Oliver Gilbert and Peter Messaline who only did them for this episode. A scene was written a recorded which explained how the Daleks escaped their apparent final end at the hands of the second Doctor in Evil of the Daleks but it was cut due to timing reasons.

Verdict: An amazing script is let down by bad production values and an oddly static set of Daleks. On the upside, the cast are on top form and the future world is suitably grim 7/10

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